Rob Ryan jumps the pond, lands in Fini!
There is no reason you should be familiar with the works of Rob Ryan. The Cyprus born paper cut artist with a tiny jewel box shop/ studio in London seems to like to keep things small-ish.
He has an Etsey shop where you can buy a few odd tiles,some laser cuts, and and some original works. That's about it.
That is until he agreed to license some of his images onto ceramics with British company Wilde and Wolf. They were available at first only to the English market. But I waited, and pestered, and cajoled the reps until confirmation was given they would be released in the States.
The results are beautiful. Extraordinary images placed on ordinary objects you will have the pleasure of using day in, day out.
Plus, for the cost of one of his studio fired tiles, you can have a set of four of his licensed plates.
It's a great way to familiarize yourself with an artist who freely admits to being "unashamedly sentimental". Start here. I guarantee you will fall in love, just like me.

The results are beautiful. Extraordinary images placed on ordinary objects you will have the pleasure of using day in, day out.

It's a great way to familiarize yourself with an artist who freely admits to being "unashamedly sentimental". Start here. I guarantee you will fall in love, just like me.