This soap is darling.
Anything perched under a glass cloche has to be very important. And Precious. And expensive.
Yes. Yes, but no.
The beauty and power of Fringe soaps are available to all.
Triple milled luxury soap. Wrapped in fragments of a long extinct London newspaper, a melancholy poem, an Italian opera program.

Tied up with a length of waxed linen twine, and you have something sweet enough to place in his open palm while whispering in his ear, " I love you".
Perfection for Eleven Dollars. When was the last time that happened?

The beauty and power of Fringe soaps are available to all.
Triple milled luxury soap. Wrapped in fragments of a long extinct London newspaper, a melancholy poem, an Italian opera program.

Tied up with a length of waxed linen twine, and you have something sweet enough to place in his open palm while whispering in his ear, " I love you".
Perfection for Eleven Dollars. When was the last time that happened?